суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ashton collection drake wee west wild

OKAY SO UPDATE. I am wearing the pants of an updatey person.

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, we went to Montreal for Thanksgiving weekend. It was very fun. I embarrassed Sean by taking a lot of pictures, but he should be glad, because I took some very funny pictures of him. Also, he made me a tofu and squash pie. It tasted like like either sqwofu or twash. Both are good. Nader rules because he rented a car to go there- it would have sucked to take Greyhound on Thanksgiving weekend. I had never been to Montreal before, and it was beautiful, but far too clean. It looked like the city in Equilibrium.

A few days ago, I got my official placement. Iapos;ll post more about it in a friends-locked entry. By the by, from now on Iapos;ll be putting more specific details about my life in Japan and working there in friends-locked entries; I donapos;t want to end up like that guy who lost his job with AEON because he had a blog. I have started a more official, anonymous blog for Japan, which Iapos;ll post the link to in a protected entry.

Hmm, what else?

Last night was a super-quick, impromptu going-away party. Erin arranged it for me because she is a major wonderful sweetheart princess banana. We started out at Bier Markt, where I drank fancy fruit beer and snarfed fondue and pretzels. I also got a bowl of mushroom soup after seeing Erin and Katie order it- itapos;s a bowl of seasoned wild mushrooms and fragrant oil, over which the waiter pours the broth out of a little teapot before your very eyes. You watch your mushrooms turn into soup. Itapos;s great entertainment. After that, we moved onto Dance Cave, where I did the Mashed Potato all night because they kept playing the Beach Boys and the Isley Brothers and fun shit like that. Of course, they also crapped it up with shit like Metric, but you canapos;t win them all.

Oh, I made my last trip to Kensington Market- I swore I wouldnapos;t buy anything, but of course I paid more than Iapos;d normally pay for a gorgeous cocktail dress from the fifties. Pictures if I think of it.

Emily and I had breakfastlunch today, followed by a trip to the UC book sale. I then, unfortunately, had to drop over eighty bucks in medicine and cosmetics. Jesus freaking hell.

Debapos;s birthday party is in an hour, and weapos;re going to see Ilyaapos;s parents tomorrow, and then MAYBE I can relax. For a day. And then leave. Yiiiiikes.

druck jenna, ashton collection drake wee west wild, ashton collection home lane trend, ashton collection lane, ashton college.

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