суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

druck calibrator

Hey, im new to this comunity.
my name is mary.
i presume you tell your little story as to why your interested in this comunity.

i have a large family history with mental illness, skitsophrenia especially.
i live in australia. In the 40apos;s and the 50apos;s there was a scandlas mental hospital, called chelmsford run by doctor harry.
they performed fucking overwhelmingly crazy procedures.
Elctro cunvulsive therapy, in its eirly stages. They thought electricity was this myrical new invention.
but, there was huge numbers of fatilities, torn ligaments, dislocated joints and broken bones because of this procedure. They would do this to the patient, every month or so i think.

Deep sleep therapy. This is where they would drug the patient for weeks on end, to either comatose, or "put to sleep". In its eirly stages, they would have hamocks in which they would lie. They would shit and piss them selfs. They would be covered in bed sores etc. This happend for many years untill someone finally spoke up and they finally got cleaned up after.
this procedure then became so popular that they would put them in coffin like draws (yes, like in the movies) to save space.
the nurces that looked after this level would be threatned tghat if they spoke up about what really happend behind closed doors, they would kill their relatives.

the tests they would do, to see if it would be appropriate for the patient to recieve this treatment were minimal.
they would look at a few ink blots. And answer just a few simple questions.
Doctor harry was very flamboyant and convincing that this was such a myrical working hostpital.
when infact there was so many inhumane things being covered up.

My motherapos;s two brothers went through this.
The eldest child, for severe OCD. Which then developed into Skitsofrenia and ocd after the procedures.
the middle child was Aspergus. Which then developed into skitsophrenia and Aspergus.
They have been living on the disability pension their whole lives. Never maried. And in my oppinion have no quality of life.
the middle child lives with me and my grandparents.
the stress of the procedures induced skitsophrenia, which they were both (i cant remember the word, sorry cognition fails me sometimes, but im trying to say prone to)
their mother has undiagnosed at the time skitsophrenia and ocd.

Dr harry of chelms ford then wanted to perform a frontal labotomy on the two of them.� he described the brain as a mechanical thing, trying to appeal to my grandfather, who at the time had just come back from the navy, being one of those radio people.
both of my grandparents made a huge fuss, they had had enough of this mad scientist. Dr harry practically verbally abused them and said their sons would be no good for the scrap heap with out him. He then prescribed them a large concocksion of pills.

The eldest now, is a bag man. One of those people you see on the train wearing scappy clothes, talking to them selfs, walking from one side of the carrige to the next. Who you swear has all their belongings on them, and hasnt bathed in months. ( 66 years old). He comes over every saturday, he has a bath it takes him 4 - 7 hours to do so.
and when i wake up. He has put each seperate item of clothing in a seperate plastic bag. Tied it twice and lined them up in a row outside the laundry.

the middle son, has no social skills what so ever, lives at home at 55 years old. He cant watch tv.
He spends his life reading and listening to clasical music. Oh and collecting thousands of dollars worth of stamps. Compliments of the government giving him the disability allowance.

i was legally adopted by my grandparents when i was born. As my mother was diagnosed with skitsophrenia. My father also has skitsophrenia. They live in a group care facility and have walked in and out of my life constantly. Confusing the fuck out of me as a small child.

my grandfather. He is sane. He is my rock. In this crazy fucking house.
where my 85 year old grandmother, still gives her children at the ages of 66, 55 and 43 santa sacks for christmas.

me? in 2006 i had a 10 month pshycosis, where for the last few months i was catatonic. Drug induced by pot. ( at this time, i had no confirmation or real knowledge of the extent of my familys family history)

diagnosis, major depression and generalised anxiety.
i guess really, i just have to wait untill im in my late 20, eirly 30apos;s?
oh and im 18 yapos;o.

sorry if this was far to much of a rant, its 2 30 in the morning. The day before my second hsc exam.
thanx for reading.

Dr harry and chelmsford is coming from what my grandfather has told me. Only this year.
i have vaguely researched it. To be honest, i dont think i want to go there.

call celcom tone, druck calibrator, druck calibrators, druck digital manometers, druck dvd.

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